Video Course

A 90-day plan to take your marriage to the next level

Men and Marriage : Lead, Reconnect and Reignite Love and Passion in your Marriage

Here is what people are saying about this course

"This course helped me to be the better version of myself, understanding the masculine and feminine side of myself and my wife. It opened up for me the key mechanism about how men and women are wired for relationships. I got lots of clarity on big ideas and a lot of small tips that have made me a bolder, calmer and more confident man in my marriage."

A.D. Aankit

"This is an amazing course every man (and in fact, every woman!) should take. It gives great insight into the real workings of a relationship, and helped me evaluate my marriage. There was great support along the way from Sidharth. Overall a great resource to take your relationship to the next level. Thanks, Sidharth, for everything"

Dr. T. - Mumbai, India

"What women want...a husband's mystery! I always wanted to gain insight into a woman's mind. And that's when I found someone who helped me. Sidharth unravels how husbands need to approach their relationships...psychologically, romantically and understanding why men need to understand their wives. I enjoyed the way things turned out week by week taking small steps towards a better relationship with my wife! A must for all men who love their wives but are confused in their relationships.😄"

A. Ananta

Why this course

Confused Husbands, Tired Wives

Couples everywhere are struggling to adapt and build fulfilling relationships. Women are exhausted in trying to get their partners to lead and be an integrated adult man instead of an emotionally underdeveloped boy. Men are confused about why their wives are unhappy even though they seemingly are doing everything that they thought they were supposed to do.

In this program you will learn the evolutionary underpinnings and their application to modern life in how men and women approach relationships differently, what they find fulfillment in, what they are actually looking for in their partners and relationships. The course will give you the skills to build a thriving relationship with your partner.

Have you ever asked yourself

  • Why is my wife always angry at me?

  • Why is my wife never satisfied with what I do?

  • Why is my wife so mean and disrespectful to me?

  • How come I always seem to give so much more than I get?

  • Why do we rarely have sex?

  • Why does she want to talk about things I have no interest in?

  • Why does she create so much drama?

If you have always wanted to...

  • Experience more intimacy and passion in your marriage

  • Get your needs met without feeling needy

  • Put an end to the needless drama in your marriage

  • Draw healthy boundaries with your partner

  • Stop bad behaviour from your partner

  • Have the sex you want

...then this course is for you!

This course is for you if:

  • You have been married for many years and are looking to reignite passion and aliveness in your marriages OR

  • You are seething with resentment for your partner, or have numbed yourself from a myriad of problems OR

  • One of you or your partner is desperate to make the relationship work, and the other is already done and looking for a way out OR

  • You are in a happy relationship, and are committed to experiencing the next level OR

  • You are recently married and are looking to resolve early disagreements as you settle into the relationship OR

  • You are about to get married and are looking for resources to set a solid foundation to you marriage

What you will learn

  • How as couples we co-create our relationships and stay stuck in a vicious drama cycle.

  • What does a healthy masculine man look like in a relationship.

  • Understanding Masculine-Feminine polarity and what keeps partners attracted and attached to each other in healthy ways.

  • Non-violent Communication and how to communicate to get your needs met without feeling needy.

  • The Golden Triangle of aligned marriages.

  • The difference between criticizing vs. voicing needs.

  • How relationships can be the most powerful Personal Growth Machines.

  • Learning to draw healthy Boundaries.

  • The 4 Rules of great sex and how to transform your sex life


Video Lessons

40+ Video lessons divided into 8 modules.


Editable PDF Workbook with exercises aligned to each lesson of the course.

Resource Library

Ever Growing Library Of Additional Resources of readings, videos, podcasts.

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Get my free E-Book '7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Husbands'

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